Cultural Playground - Almicheal Fraay
Cultural Playground - Almicheal Fraay

Cultural Playground 2+

De Taartrovers

Date Time

Four installations form a cohesive lab in which children do their own research. The installations hardly need any explanation: children intuitively see what they can do with them. The children use their creativity to create their own images, movements, colours, sounds and stories. The children discover what they can do intuitively and by doing.



Music provides atmosphere and powerfully influences the feeling. Children can move with headphones or participate in the installations, so that the music is a source of inspiration for their expression.


Aerial drawings

Children make aerial drawings on transparent panels, sometimes in collaboration with others who complement the drawings on the other side of the panel. Placing several panels behind each other creates a visual view with depth.


Sand tables

Different colors of sand on light tables invite tactile play. Children make piles of sand, wipe them out and draw with their fingers. The light from the table top creates a magical effect.


Sound house 

In this house, children can make music with instruments and everyday objects. To inspire the children with images, this is projected onto the flat semi-transparent wall at the front of the house.

Complete schedule

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