The Diary of an Ugly Duckling - Factory Compagnia Transadriatica
The Diary of an Ugly Duckling - Factory Compagnia Transadriatica

The Diary of an Ugly Duckling 6+

Factory Compagnia Transadriatica (IT)
€ 12,00 p.p.

Date Time

The Diary of an Ugly Duckling by the Italian Factory Compagnia Transadriatica combines theater and dance from Hans Christian Andersen's classic fairy tale, bringing the original story to life in a light and creative way.

We follow a little swan mistaken for a duckling. She experiences many adventures, learns about herself and the world, and realizes the importance of differences. She faces bullying, hard work, lost love, and even war, but learns to value herself. When she sees her reflection in the lake, she understands her true self and learns that every experience, good or bad, is part of who she is.

Don't miss this special international production! The Diary of an Ugly Duckling will be in the Netherlands only during the autumn holiday of 2024!

Factory Compagnia Transadriatica is known for their performances, in which they reinterpret existing stories in new ways.

Complete schedule

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